The federal judge in Los Angeles who oversaw Hunter Biden’s tax fraud case is facing a lawsuit over a party at his home where underage drinking led to an assault. The party took place in 2023 at the judge’s Pasadena mansion, where intoxicated minors got into a fight, resulting in one guest, Alex Wilson, being assaulted and hospitalized.
Wilson claims that he was attacked by another guest, Jackson Dorlarque, causing him to suffer a traumatic brain injury and requiring over two weeks of hospitalization. Wilson is seeking damages for his physical and emotional injuries, alleging that the judge and his wife failed to properly supervise the party.
The lawsuit also includes assault and battery claims against Dorlarque and his parents. The judge, Mark Scarsi, did not respond to requests for comment. Scarsi, appointed by President Trump in 2020, has presided over high-profile cases, including Hunter Biden’s prosecution.
The judge gained attention for criticizing President Biden’s pardon of his son, Hunter. Scarsi was set to sentence Hunter Biden for tax offenses before the pardon erased his convictions. The judge rebuked the president for suggesting his son was treated unfairly, stating that the president cannot rewrite history. Scarsi is also overseeing the sentencing of another individual involved in a fake bribery scheme related to the Bidens.
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