The Apple Watch Series 11, anticipated for release in 2025, is poised to receive one of the biggest updates since the Series 3 introduced LTE. According to Mark Gurman from Bloomberg, Apple is planning to swap out Intel’s 4G chips for MediaTek’s 5G modems. This significant change is expected to boost data speeds for apps such as Maps, music streaming, and FaceTime audio calls.
The new 5G RedCap modem, tailored for IoT devices and wearables, delivers download speeds of up to 220 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 120 Mbps. Although it’s not as fast as the 5G modems used in iPhones, this upgrade will make the Apple Watch more efficient for everyday tasks. This could also be one of MediaTek’s largest orders from Apple, securing its position in the high-end wearables market.
Moreover, the Apple Watch Ultra 3 is rumored to include satellite connectivity, a feature already available in iPhones. This would be especially beneficial for users in remote areas, improving safety and navigation.
Interestingly, while the Series 10 marked the Apple Watch’s tenth anniversary, the Series 11 might be the true milestone, considering that the product was officially launched in 2015, a year after its announcement. Given the relatively minor updates in Series 10, Series 11 could introduce more significant innovations.
With faster connectivity and potentially groundbreaking features, the Apple Watch Series 11 could represent a crucial development in Apple’s wearable lineup, appealing to both everyday users and outdoor adventurers.
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